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Journal - Stories

The story of Robert and Grant…

When Robert and Grant met at a mutual friend’s BBQ on March 9, 1992, neither of them was particularly enthusiastic about going at the time. A few days afterwards, Grant told a friend that he’d met the man he was going to spend the rest of his life with. It’s funny how fate plays its own hand in things sometimes.

To celebrate their 20th anniversary recently—an amazing landmark by any standards in this day and age—Robert and Grant threw a party with 150 friends and family members. True to form, the last of the guests left at 8.00 am the next morning!

To mark the event, Robert visited numerous stores looking for a ring that would be perfect for Grant. Ideally it was to be something unique and extraordinary. Disheartened by the generic and mass-produced rings found everywhere he looked, a friend suggested he visit e.g.etal. Robert happily obliged and it is here that he met a Stack ring by Cass Partington. Aesthetically different to everything else he had seen before, Robert knew he had found the perfect piece.

Robert Grant - Stacked

Taken by the opportunity offered by e.g.etal to personalise the piece of jewellery and to imbue each element with meaning, the ring would be a completely unique piece. It is a combination of silver, white and yellow gold bands with diamonds on one—the ring is beautiful and masculine and no other ring exists that is the same. The design allows Grant to add additional bands or more diamonds to mark other milestones in their lives. No other ring could capture so perfectly the history and spirit of their relationship over two decades. One ring in the stack is called ‘Many Lines’, on which the number of lines corresponds to the date that the two met and celebrates the 20 years they’ve shared together in this relationship.

Later this year Robert will be turning 50. They’re planning a ‘small’ celebration with 85 close friends and family in Thailand. The occasion marks another milestone in their life together…and maybe another diamond in the ring for Grant. Why? Why not…

Robert Grat - Unstacked

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