Milly Thomas
Milly uses her work to explore line and gesture. A mark alone, or repeated rhythmically, creating movement and texture. This frequently results in organic pieces with naive strokes forming a hypnotic momentum, flow and lines forming pattern and motion. Milly forms many of her tools and experiments with the unique textures created by different instruments. Milly makes pieces in gold and silver and includes precious gemstones within her work.
Originally from Sydney, Milly completed a Bachelor of Arts at Sydney University. She then went on to study the Advance Diploma of Jewellery & Object Design at Design Centre Enmore followed by further study in Jewellery Manufacture also at the Design Centre. Her work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in Australia and Japan. Milly now lives in Geelong, working from her home studio, where her two young children add a noisy soundtrack of daily life to her creative practice.