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Robin Wells

Robin Wells Artist Portrait

Robin Wells finds constant inspiration in the unique foliage and flowers of the native plants near her home. Her studio looks out on to the garden, planted with endangered endemic plant species.

Having grown up in a rural area close to bushland, the desire to use plant motifs has long been ingrained through her entire artistic practice. Robin makes jewellery that reminds the wearer of the importance of connecting with nature and the fragility of our biodiversity.

In her practice, Robin makes individual templates to emboss the metal surface of  her jewellery, building up a layered pattern, creating the feel of a fossilised plant record.

Robin Wells has completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Jewellery, Metalsmithing and 3D design from Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia, as well as a Diploma in Gemmology.

Jewellery by Robin Wells