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Journal - Stories

Golden Drops of Joy, Sarah Scherger

Fifteen Stories - SM - Draft - No Images

Golden Drops of Joy by Sarah Scherger

I own some lucky earrings. I suppose their story begins when I was finishing a ward round at the old Women’s Mercy Hospital on the edge of the city park.

My last patient of the day was an old lady with fairy floss hair so neatly swept, and lipstick, even though she never had visitors.

On this particular evening, I arrived in her room to find her gently singing to herself. I was tired and dull in appearance, as usual. I checked her stats and forms and just before I turned to leave, she placed her hands on my arm and softly said, “My dear, there is so much joy to be gained in making oneself feel beautiful.”

That evening I found e.g.etal on my way home and ventured in. I found some little golden drop earrings. For the first time since I could remember, I felt feminine, beautiful and empowered.

The following day at the hospital I turned the corner to enter the old lady’s room. I wanted to thank her for her sage advice. I had never before bought myself such precious jewellery. I couldn’t hear her singing and slowed at the corner as I peered into her room. Her bed was empty.

Whenever I misplace these golden earrings, they never fail to return to me. I like to think it’s her reminding me of the small pleasures in life that we owe to ourselves.