The Art of Storytelling | Artist talk with Georgie Brooks REGISTER HERE
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How do you measure value?

We came across this interesting exploration of the concept of ‘value’. Beyond our basic needs, how we attribute value is a product of our beliefs and choices.

Some pieces at e.g.etal are made of gold and precious stones. Others are made of plastic, or paper or wood. Many of our artists subvert traditional notions of value by intentionally choosing ‘flawed’ materials, or unusual gems with individual character.

Artist Todd Reed works with rough diamond cubes and heavily occluded diamonds that emit a smoky, diffused glow, creating an aesthetic he describes as ‘raw elegance’. Liv Boyle‘s jewellery employs cattle bone, horn and ebony – objects that could find a place in Pacific adornment from centuries past, or on her grandfather’s mantle, a modest hunter’s dusty relic. Jin Ah Jo uses powdercoated mild steel, creating architectural adornments inspired by the functional details of industrial materials.

Each piece in our gallery is unique, but all are alike: they carry with them the soul of an artist and the hand of a maker. That is where we choose to see value.